And then, after i briefly wake up and realize it's Saturday (i love waking up and realizing i have more time to sleep!), I find myself in this movie theatre/auditorium, watching a mediocre movie that has a terrible ending, it just ends and a very static "the end" fades into the screen in a sea of black. So as i get up, i realize i had watched this movie with Alex!! and a whole deja vu effect takes place when i saw 'The Island' with her but i don't let it take over and we start to walk out this auditorium.
Anyways, Alex took off her shoes before we started watching the movie so i go back with her to our seats because she forgot them, and then we finally start talking, catching up, the whole 9. As we're walking out, i find out, WTH! I'm in Fairfield High School!!! So apparently the producers of my Dream thought it was fitting that FHS gets its deserved movie theatre franchise in the front of my school, thereby losing all credibility it has of an educational institution. Anyways, what's funny is that as we're walking out, i see lots of students, mainly Sophmores, Juniors and Seniors rehearsing for their Homecoming Skits! and why in the world do i see Kenneth Parker, who's my year in college, doing the Harlem Shake and prepping for the skit too! LOL!
So as we're walking off campus, we talk about our class schedule, and although I believe Alex is still in High School, in my Dream she's already in college, going to Sac State (I know she's going to a way better school than that but it was a Dream!), and i was an astute Aggie (haha I don't know what i'd be like going to UCDavis) and we were making plans for me to catch her in class to meet one of her professors that she was telling me about that was hella down and good. And I felt really happy again.
We drove separately, so as I was about to say goodnight, she leaned in for a hug, maybe it was a kiss.
And then i woke up.
I'm glad that i took that chance with her, in the past.. something as little as that dream that made me feel so good for just one moment is irreplacable, no matter how sad or depressing i feel sometimes.
i guess this song sums up that fleeting moment.
Kyla - 'Cupid' - Beautiful Days
*but you won't know unless you give it a try"..thanks for giving me a try!
what's on my agenda for tonight? perhaps... THIS!

we'll see....
momma, where would i be?
without you, always coming through..