Ali Shaheed Muhammad ft. Kay & Sy Smith - Family - Shaheedullah & Stereotypes
Today I spent an early Thanksgiving Eve with my Fairfield H.S. homies, some I hadn't seen in months, others in a year, still others in four years!! (Okay, maybe just Mylene.. but all the same, no excuses for a 4-year hiatus!) The reunion/potluck dinner/drunkfest/jam session/photoshoot was a couple of different adjectives:
01. overdue
02. delicious (mmmm, yummy crab casserole, Aireen!)
03. loud? (Selectors DD, RD, Santos + Boogie-Down Donovan held it down!)
04. nostalgically invigorating
05. love-filled
I've still gotta upload the photos from my Sony N50 (which is currently being borrowed) so Mylene's shots will have to do!

(Darin has a kinky 'fingers up my nose' fetish. eek!)

(two lovebirds. sadly, i knew it all along, chris, 'twas only a few cups of liquid courage to reveal your true colors. jp)
"This thing called 'rhyming' no different from 'coal mining'
We both on assignment to unearth the diamond.."
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