Kissey Asplund - Caos - Plethora
Christmas Time Is Here, word to Vince Guiraldi! After Thanksgiving dinner @ my cousins' spot, I drove by the Vacaville Premium Outlets just to see if people were silly enough to be in line as early as the 10pm time it was... and I was aghast! People were lined up around the Coach outlet, a 20-deep line was already in place @ Banana.. I decided to skip out on all the stores that I'd probably float around and fine nothing I'd particularly fall in love with, so I decided to go ahead with the classic s^%@ and went to the Polo Ralph Lauren outlet.
Just my luck! They were letting people 2 HOURS EARLY as part of their 'Early Bird Special' sale, and I was able to cop $350+ worth of Polo outerwear for $150 (due to Black Friday-only mark downs and a nifty 20% off total purchases over $150.. not bad at all!
Included in my coppage was this very fly, black and toasty-warm pea coat, originally $225 but copped for that low-low.
this is basically the same RL pea coat; unlike those hella weak Old Navy peas that just fall apart and aren't warm.. this one'll stay in my closet for good!

"Be disciplined in your life
So you can be violent & original in your art."
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